ECOBAL Application


The Ecumenical Council of Bishops & Apostolic Leadership is an institution of higher learning created for the development and education of those called to the Episcopacy and Apostolic leadership. The Ecumenical Council of Bishops & Apostolic Leadership is led by Presiding Prelate, Archbishop Devin D. Owens. This organization is served by notable and highly gifted men and women who serve as Bishops, Apostles, and four-fold (Ephesians 4:11) ministry gifts. ECOBAL has made a significant impact in the Kingdom by training, affirming, and consecrating strong and capable leaders who are making great achievements in ministry. ECOBAL endeavors to further the high standard of excellence, integrity, and fidelity laid out in the Word of GOD. The theological agenda of ECOBAL is to demonstrate kingdom principles and proclaim the redemptive work of Calvary.

Annual gatherings, being diverse in theme and subject, are held across the US to equip and train Episcopates and Apostolic leaders while also providing a forum for cross-cultural and multi-denominational fellowship, impartation, as well as personal and ministry development. ECOBAL has assembled national and international leaders in ministry who are experts in Christian Education and other fields of ministry. Our many educational and academic advisors have facilitated the development of an outstanding curriculum and training model which fosters the ongoing education of our members through lecture sessions, developmental seminars, online courses, and even personal one-on-one mentoring.